Thursday, July 9, 2009

What do you know about electrolysis?

Have a go!

Choose the answer you think is correct.
1. An electric current is
A. flow of electrons B. a flow of water
C. a flow of raisins D.a flow of invective

2. Match the property below with one of the follow units:
A. g dm-3 B. ampere C. volt D. ohm

3. The formula of copper(II) sulphate is:
A. Cu2SO4 B. CuSO4 C. Cu(SO4)2 D. Cu(SO4)3

4. Copper(II) sulphate contains Cu2+ ions and SO42- ions
A. True
B. False

5. The (II) in the name copper(II) sulphate means that each ion of copper has 2 extra electrons.
A. True
B. False

6. The anode
A. carries the current into the solution
B. has a positive charge
C. is where oxidation takes place
D. is where electrons are given away

7. Hydrogen ions (H+) move to the anode during electrolysis
A. True
B. False

8. Hydroxide ions (OH-) move to the anode duriong electrolysis
A. True
B. False

9. Electrolysis means
A. the decomposition of an electrolyte by electric current
B. the passage of electric current through a solution
C. warming a solution with electric current
D. removing hair from the legs using electric current

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